C# Scripting

For programming in-game logic, you can use C#. To use it, you need to install Visual Studio and .NET SDK. If everything is set up correctly, you should have Sandbox.sln file located in Sandbox folder that you should be able to open in VS. Use that project for all your scripts. If you have some problems, follow installation guide.


Your scripts need to be derived from Entity class. More read about it here

C# Core API

Eagle Engine provides a C# API that can be used for making scripts for a project.

To learn how to use C# with Eagle, check out these pages:

C# Debugging

You can debug C# scripts! The engine comes with a Visual Studio extension that can be installed to enable debugging of your scripts through Visual Studio.

Step to debug:

  • Install CSharpDebuggingTool.vsix that is located in the root directory

  • Run Eagle-Editor

  • Open up project’s solution file that contains scripts

  • In Visual Studio, press Debug->Attach Mono Debugger