
If you just want to download the engine and use it without doing anything fancy to it, just download it. Or you can build it manually.

Building Manually

Steps to build the engine:

  • Install VulkanSDK (current version of the engine was tested on it)

  • Install Visual Studio with C++ and .NET SDK support. .NET support is required for building scripts core.

  • Install Git

  • Clone the repository using the following command: git clone --recursive

  • In the root directory, open scripts folder and run one of the scripts to generate VS solution.

  • Go to the root directory, run Eagle.sln, build the solution and run Eagle-Editor.


Visual Studio requirements


Vulkan SDK + Debug symbols


It is recommended to restart your PC after installing Vulkan SDK. If you didn’t restart PC and face any issues, try restarting it and regenerating VS solution.

The solution has three configurations: Debug; Release; Dist. In Debug configuration, all optimizations are disabled, and some Eagle Engine debug tools are enabled. For example, you can use PhysX Visual Debugger to debug physics. In Release configuration, all optimizations are enabled, but Vulkan validation layers are still not disabled which will affect the performance. Dist configuration is the same as Release, but the default OS console will be hidden and Vulkan validation layers are disabled. So if you want to measure the performance, use Dist builds.


Take a look at Eagle/Core/Core.h file. It contains some useful defines that might help you to debug. For example, there’s a EG_GPU_MARKERS define. When set ot 1, GPU markers will be created so that you can see render-pass names when using debug tools such as RenderRoc. Enabling EG_GPU_MARKERS might affect performance.

Download Eagle Engine

If you don’t want to build the engine manually, you can download pre-built binaries.

Go to Releases where you will see all engine releases. Each post has files attached to it and there you’ll see a .zip archieve with the engine. Download it and unpack it. Go to Eagle-Editor folder and run the engine (Eagle-Editor.exe).

For writing scripts, open the Sandbox/Sandbox.sln file. For that you’ll need Visual Studio with .NET SDK support.

Go here to learn more about writing scripts.