Ambient Occlusion

Eagle Engine supports SSAO (screen-space ambient occlusion) and GTAO (ground-truth ambient occlusion). These techniques are used for efficiently approximating the ambient occlusion effect in real time.


They do nothing if there’s no ambient lighting (for example, IBL). It’s also affected by material’s Ambient Occlusion input.


For SSAO, you can change the following settings:

  1. Samples. Affects how many samples (points) to consider when calculating an ambient occlusion. The higher, the better. But be careful, since making it too high will affect performance.

  2. Radius. Occluders search radius

  3. Bias. It is a scalar that affects the calculation that determines if a sample is an occluder.


GTAO has two settings: Samples, and Radius. They have the same meaning as for SSAO.


Currently, GTAO is not production ready. It doesn’t always work as intented.


Different AO techniques