
Translucency is all about objects (or parts of them) not having a solid color, but having a combination of colors from the object itself and any other object behind it with varying intensity. A colored glass window is a transparent object; the glass has a color of its own, but the resulting color contains the colors of the objects behind the glass as well

Support for translucency is implemented using a technique called Order-independent transparency (OIT). It is a technique which doesn’t require us to draw our transparent objects in an orderly fashion.

You can set whether material is translucent or not by changing Blend mode parameter of a material to be Translucent. Material’s Opacity input can be used to control translucency.

The engine exposes a setting called Transparency Layers which lets you control how good translucent object mix their colors when they’re stacked behind each other. Use this setting with caution because it affects memory usage. Memory consumption in bytes can be calculated by this formula: Memory consumption = viewport_width * viewport_height * layers * 12.


Translucent materials receive shadows but, by default, they don’t cast one. If you want them to cast shadows, enable translucent shadows feature.


Translucent green window